Telangana Inter Departmental Kabaddi Championship 2019.All India Inter University Kabaddi Championship 2019.46th Tamil Nadu Junior Boys and Girls State Tournament.Pune District Championship Men & Women 2019.Deendayal Trophy - Kerala Kabaddi League Season 3.67th TN Senior Men Kabaddi Championship.Central Railway Inter Division Kabaddi Tournament.69th All India Inter Railways Tournament.If a defending team member enters the raider's side of the court before his team is officially given the chance to raid, he is out.However, if a raider can cross the baulk line and return to his side of the court, the raid counts as a successful one even if he doesn't tag anyone. An unproductive raid occurs when a raider cannot score any points (or loses points) during a raid. If a team has three unproductive raids in a row, the third raider is out.If any player (raiding or defending) steps outside the boundary lines, he is out (unless he was deliberately pulled or shoved, in which case, the offending player is out.).

If a raider is captured and cannot pass back over the midline before he runs out of breath, he is out.If the raider tags any defending players and makes it back to his side, the players he tagged are out.Below are a list of circumstances in which a player may be sent out. If this happens, they may not be replaced by players in reserve - substitutions are only made for players who are not out. In Kabaddi, players can be temporarily sent 'out' of play for a variety of reasons. Send players out when they are tagged, captured, or break a rule.

The basic rules of Kabaddi are simple: two teams of seven players each face off in a large square arena for two halves of twenty minutes each. Kabaddi is a popular, easy-to-learn team contact sport with its roots in the millennia-old history of ancient India and South Asia. Kabaddi free download - VIVO Pro Kabaddi, Kabaddi Fighting Games 2019, Star Sports Pro Kabaddi Official App, and many more programs.